• It’s time to join together to create a just education system

    Now welcoming partner members into Fund Georgia’s Future

  • Fund Georgia's Future offers Education 101 courses

    We have gone to communities across the state, explaining how schools are funded and what you can do about it. Reach out to request a presentation in your town!

  • Georgia has a problem... but it can be fixed!

    Learn more about education funding in Georgia and how we can make changes to create a just education system. The Education Law Center has put together three excellent videos showing the gross underfunding of our state’s vital public schools.

It all started with an idea.

Fund Georgia's Future will create a just public education system with fair and full funding with actions from our community.

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Dream. Learn. Build.

As defined by FGF Steering Committee member Southern Education Foundation, “Equity exists when race and income are no longer the most reliable predictors of student success and systems work to ensure that each child receives what they need when they need it, to develop to their full academic and social potential. We envision a world where every student, regardless of background, enjoys an education that propels them toward the opportunity-rich life they deserve.”

We can do this.


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