“The purpose of education...is to create in a person the ability to look at the world for himself, to make his own decisions.”

— James Baldwin

Join our work to create a just education system

  • Join bi-weekly informational sessions

    During General Assembly, we’ll be meeting every other week to talk through what happened in the Gold Dome, and how it impacts public education in Georgia

  • Apply to join FGF as a Partner Member

    We need everyone who cares about public education to join, especially those who have been traditionally kept out of state education policy

Educational equity depends on two main factors. The first is fairness, which implies that factors specific to one's personal conditions should not interfere with the potential of academic success. The second important factor is inclusion, which refers to a comprehensive standard that applies to everyone in a certain education system. These two factors are closely related and depend on each other for an educational system's success.