“It is very nearly impossible to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind.”
— James Baldwin
Meet Our Steering Committee Members
Partner Members
ACLU Students
ACLU Students is a youth chapter of the ACLU. Our members mostly engage in discussing nationwide issues and addressing them in board meetings, legislative hearings, social media platforms, etc. In short, we not only dissect the roots of matters such as racial justice, reproductive freedom, and systemic equality; we go out and act on them as well.
Asian American Voices for Education
Lifting up Asian American voices and honoring the stories of all people to transform GA schools.
Between the Vote
Provides an equitable and inclusive civics and movement education experience to Southern and BIPOC youth in the global south.
Black Child Development Institute, Inc. (Atlanta)
BCDI-Atlanta partners with children, families and organizations to implement culturally relevant, culturally responsive, trauma sensitive and evidence-based programs promoting high-quality early care and education, literacy, health, and family engagement.
C Hope Ministries of Blaklely, Inc.
Faith-based organization designed to help families and individuals overcome needs and problems.
BIPOC-led advocacy organization striving to amplify the voice, frequency, and impact of community-led efforts for progress.
Diversity Cyber Council
Serves underrepresented groups in tech. Their mission is to establish a diverse talent pipeline to the technology workforce.
Friends of Refugees
Empowering refugees and immigrants by providing employment opportunities through computer access, job readiness training and social & professional networking events.
Georgia Appleseed Center for Law and Justice
Our mission is to increase justice in Georgia through law and policy reform and community engagement
Georgia PTA
State chapter of the Parent Teachers Association.
Public Education Matters Georgia Action Fund
A statewide organization committed to fostering community support for quality public education in Georgia through outreach, information, and advocacy.
Ser Familia, Inc
Ser Familia's mission is to offer preventive family services and equip Latinos with the tools, resources, and skills they need to move from crisis to thriving.
Soulstice, Inc
Empowers young people to take ownership of their education and life. We envision a world where young people understand the power of their voice.
The South Fulton Arrow Youth Council
Provides an elite day school, after school and summer program that supports student learning and success through our 21st century leadership engagement training model known as the Arrow Leadership Institute.
Southern Anti-Racism Network
Develops campaigns and projects in the South to end racial disparities in criminal justice, economic opportunities, education, environment/housing and health care.
Together for Hope
A rural development coalition engaging the 301 counties of persistent rural poverty in America.
School Funding Debates Emerge In Georgia, Many Other States
10/3/22 - Decades ago, many Southern states decided to fund schools using formulas that provided additional funding for students from low-income families. This student-centered approach was a turning point for the South and greatly improved education and opportunity in the region.
Unfortunately, since then many states have not continued with this approach and are falling behind in providing schools with the resources necessary to keep pace with the needs of their students.
Chatham parents, educators ask lawmakers for equitable school funding
9/17/22 - Georgia’s school funding formula should be overhauled to steer more resources toward students from low-income families, educators, parents, and students from Chatham County told a state Senate study committee Friday.
The Senate formed the Study Committee to Review Education Funding Mechanisms this year to look for ways to modernize the state’s Quality Basic Education (QBE) formula, which dates back to the 1980s.
Taxpayer dollars should be spent on public education
3/12/22 - On Tuesday, members of the Senate Education and Youth committee voted to advance a private school voucher bill, Senate Bill 601, without accepting public comment. This bill is one of several such proposals to divert public funds away from public schools.